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Travel to Tanzania

According to history, it was in this African territory that human ancestors took their first steps. Remains of Australopithecus were found in the Olduvai Gorge.

Now it is one of the most attractive resorts. The country is home to more than 100 peoples and tribes, but the symbol of Tanzania is the tribe of the ancient Masai people.


The basis of all dishes is carbohydrates, so potatoes or rice are most often served as a side dish in a duet with legumes (peas, lentils). Such a side dish is complemented by fish, meat (goat or chicken), fried bananas, stewed spinach. Flour cakes (chapatis), stuffed pies (sambusa) and sweet pastries (mandazi) are presented as flour. It is also common to see slightly peppery curries.


In Tanzania, summer is all year round. Winter is the hottest time of the year, and the humidity is high in spring. Winter and summer seasons will be a comfortable time for a trip to the northern part of the country. It is best to go south in summer and early autumn.

Pros of Travel

A big plus for the traveler is the absence of a time difference with Moscow, a facilitated visa regime and a direct flight. Although the cost of the flight is not cheap, ranging from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, Tanzania deserves its attention. Few places on Earth have preserved such an untouched nature. Due to the difference in climatic features, in the country you can find plains with unusually long grass, forests with an uncountable number of plants, beaches with white sand surrounded by palm trees, many reservoirs and mountain peaks.

The locals speak mainly English and Swahili, and you can often hear Arabic.


In Tanzania, two cities received the title of capital: Dar es Salaam and Dodoma.

Dar es Salaam has major transport links and is famous for its cultural monuments, a large number of shops, restaurants, clubs, as well as the opportunity to visit a casino.

Dodoma is considered the legal capital of Tanzania. In it you can find a large number of universities, shops, restaurants. Skyscrapers rise in the city center, while grapes and wine are grown on the outskirts.

In the north, there is the Great African Rift, it is there that the Ngorongoro Crater Reserve and the mysterious Olduvai Gorge are located, where the remains of Australopithecus, who lived on the planet about two million years ago, were found. There is also the volcano Kilimanjaro, the cities of Arusha and Moshi.


Zanzibar is located northeast of the shores of Dar es Salaam in the Indian Ocean. It is an archipelago of 75 islands. The capital is Unguja Island. There is a lot of entertainment on the island, you can enjoy the sandy beaches, go diving, ride unusual dhow boats, watch dolphins, and enjoy the nightlife in the northern part of the island. For cultural recreation, it is advised to go to Stone Town – the birthplace of the famous singer Freddie Mercury.

National parks

About half of the entire territory of Tanzania is occupied by wildlife conservation sites – local national parks. There are at least a hundred of them in the country. The most famous are the Serengeti National Park, which is recognized as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site, the Kilimanjaro National Park, which surrounds the famous volcano of the same name, Arusha National Park, which is famous for the absence of predators and the forest unusual for Africa. It is impossible to pass by the Jozani Forest, which is home to rare dwarf monkeys. They are friendly and photogenic. For tourists, there are safari routes in two directions, which allows you to get acquainted with the many inhabitants of the mainland. Giraffes, hippos, lions, the most dangerous and venomous snakes, monkeys and antelopes – all these representatives of the fauna can be found in Tanzania.