Type of Travel

airport gate

What stops you from traveling abroad? 5 common obstacles and solutions

Traveling around the world, learning new cultures and speaking multiple languages ​​are frequent items on the wish list of many, but not all. Some people have a fear of visiting unknown countries, so they prefer to stay at home. I have counted 5 solutions to common travel problems that will help you overcome your fears …

What stops you from traveling abroad? 5 common obstacles and solutions Read More »

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How to rent an apartment in Budapest: our experience of renting budget housing for daily rent + bonus

With the opening of visa-free Europe has become a popular destination for independent travel. We were no exception, and after the opening of visa-free travel we visited Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic with a half-day walk in the city of Brno. By the way, if you are planning independent trips or just …

How to rent an apartment in Budapest: our experience of renting budget housing for daily rent + bonus Read More »

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The main differences between the US and UK education systems

The first places in the ranking of the most prestigious universities in the world are occupied by educational institutions of the United States and Great Britain, however, along with the choice of a place of study, one must take into account the difference in the education system of these countries. Let’s consider the main differences …

The main differences between the US and UK education systems Read More »

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Omsk in 2 days: “Bird’s Harbor”, master class on saber skills and city walks

More than a million people live in Omsk. It is the eighth city in Russia by the number of inhabitants. It was founded by the Cossack Ivan Dmitrievich Buchholz in 1716. His detachment went to Siberia in search of gold. Buchholz, having reached the confluence of two rivers – Omi and Irtysh, decided to try …

Omsk in 2 days: “Bird’s Harbor”, master class on saber skills and city walks Read More »